It's typically best to say yes, though, since these quests will typically result in rewards of resources or gear and may open up new areas to explore and storylines to pursue. Non-player characters frequently request assistance, which players usually have the choice to grant or deny through in-game dialogue choices. Along the way, you'll be fighting aliens, robots, human enemies, and aggressive wildlife. Like many open world games, the bulk of your time will be spent roaming the land, walking and jetpacking through green woods, across desolate wastelands, and to the tops of mesas.

As players progress, they'll encounter plenty of groups and characters who both need Jax's help and who may eventually unite together behind him to fight off the alien threat. But as players soon discover, the planet is once again under attack, this time from an alien menace that could eradicate all life on Magalan, which is still in a state of post-apocalypse recovery and suffering infighting between sects ranging from the faithful Clerics to the power-mad Berserkers. A sequel to Elex, ELEX II drops players back into the boots of Jax, the rough and tumble hero who saved the world of Magalan seven years ago.