The United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) has issued a warning to its members in which the organization said it is currently analyzing the proposed rule. “If we are going to succeed, we must shut down the importation of the snakes and end the interstate commerce and transportation of them.” “The interior department and states such as Florida are taking swift and common sense action to control and eliminate the populations of these snakes, but it is an uphill battle in ecosystems where they have no natural predators,” he said. The southern black racer (Coluber constrictor priapus) is one of the more common subspecies of the nonvenomous Coluber constrictor snake species of the Southeastern United States.The subspecific name priapus refers to the proximal spines of the hemipenes being much enlarged into basal hooks, which is characteristic of this subspecies. boa constrictor and North African python. In general, boa constrictors can live 35. At that time, he said the Burmese python and the other snakes are destroying some the nation’s most treasured and most fragile ecosystems. While most people realize that any 18-foot, 200-pound snake living wild in Florida is a Burmese python, smaller pythons can resemble native snakes. The constrictor snake presented here is a relatively small one. Boa Constrictor Life Span: Along with ball pythons, boas are believed to be some of the longest-lived of all snakes. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced in January the service’s plan to propose the rule. Read on to learn more about 14 different types of constricting snakes. The proposed rule change, which is published in the Federal Register, seeks to ban the following snakes: the Indian and Burmese python, northern African python, southern African python, reticulated python, green anaconda, yellow anaconda, Beni or Bolivian anaconda, DeSchauensee’s anaconda, and Boa constrictor. A constrictor is a snake that kills prey by constriction.