No slurs or harassment.Ī post doesn't have to strictly violate a rule to be worthy of being removed. No shitposts/off-topic/circle jerk/rants/memes/food porn outside of the daily. It's fine to say "I did X and Y happened" but when you're stating something like it's a universal truth, you should have a source. Many posts will be anecdotal but we strive for a scientific foundation - please differentiate accordingly. Be willing to learn, and “empty your cup”. The Ketogains protocol is a SET protocol with SET guidelines, we don’t follow a classic “therapeutic approach” to ketosis nor ketogenic ratios: we follow macros in grams in accordance to a personal context. Height, Sex, Age, sport and for how long have you been following a ketogenic diet.Īll progress posts must be accompanied by information relevant to ketogains - e.g. When asking for help, provide: Total Weight, BF%. So, whether you want to gain strength and health, improve endurance and speed, or achieve a lean body, it can all be done with our approach.Īll advice here, comes mainly from respected scientific and sport / nutrition sources (Jeff Volek, Steven Phinney, Peter Attia, Lyle McDonald, Menno Henselmans, Ted Naiman, Robb Wolf, Mark Sisson, Bill Lagakos, - in no particular order-, et al.) and adapted toward our athletic endeavors.īefore asking a question, use the search function to see if the topic has already been discussed. We believe that through the process of becoming mentally and physically stronger we empower ourselves to become better in all areas of our lives.

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Ketosis is a side effect of our general macro and micro recommendations for many, but NOT THE GOAL in itself:Īt Ketogains, we will teach you how to get into the best shape of your life while improving your health by following a low carb diet of whole, nutrient dense foods. Our Vision: To become one of the most respected and trusted health sciences resources. To Change lives through education and empowerment. Our Mission: To help people achieve their fitness & health goals. Our core philosophy is based on three pillars: Ketogains is “a practical and evidence-based protocol with the goal of achieving optimal body composition and health.